r/K: The Evolutionary Biology of Left vs. Right

          “The time is near at hand which must determine if Americans are to be free men or slaves.”  – George Washington


          Greetings, my fellow Freedom lovers!

          I have often wondered why Collectivists (Liberals, Progressives, etc.) are the way that they are. Why they always seem to side with America’s enemies over their own country, or side with criminals over victims. Or advocate so fervently for policies which will inevitably destroy this great country, while at the same time claiming to love America. Why they invest so recklessly in illogical and destructive ideas like Obamacare. Well, I’m happy to report that I’ve found the answers! In a nutshell: They’re rabbits.

          There is a theory of evolutionary biology known as r/K, which delineates reproductive strategies of animal species which have evolved over time to ensure their survival. In the equation r/K, “r” represents maximal reproductive rate of an individual while “K” represents the carrying capacity of a given area or environment. r/K selection theory describes two distinct reproductive strategies that a species can use to exploit different environmental extremes: limited resources versus unlimited resources. Particular species can also be separated into “r-type” and “K-type.”

          For example, rabbits (r type) will start reproducing early and reproduce as often as possible, leaving one parent to care for the offspring and investing almost no effort in raising their young. Their food source is virtually unlimited, therefore rabbits have no incentive to compete for food or teach their young any skills beyond basic survival. Because their survival is ultimately dependent upon rapid reproduction, rabbits are unaffected by a predator feeding on their population. Each rabbit will, of course, attempt to preserve its own life; but employ a “better you than me” evolutionary attitude. “r-types” regard others as expendable.

          For wolves, on the other hand, resources are limited. Therefore they wait longer to begin reproducing, compete for the best mate, and both parents devote time to the care and training of their offspring. Wolves protect one another and cooperate to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the pack, because they do not consider each other to be expendable.

           You may already begin to see how r/K can be used to explain human behavior, but I will elaborate. First, let’s dispel a popular notion about predators: The word “predator” has negative connotations for us. We often describe criminals as predators; but they are not. Wolves, for example, contribute to their environment by maintaining equilibrium with other inhabitants, by keeping the r-type animals from overpopulating. Criminals and thugs do not contribute to society, because they are parasites.

          So, in terms of humanity, r-types are cowards. Why are humans cowards when rabbits are not? To put it succinctly, humans alone among all the animal species have the intelligence to move beyond simple evolutionary imperatives, to choose individually what he or she will be or do. In light of that fact, it boggles my mind as to why anyone would choose to be an r-type. I don’t merely mean in the sense of courage or cowardice, so let’s look at other parallels.

          In an r-type environment conflict and competition are unnecessary and avoided, which is what Collectivists are known for, hence their hatred for things like free market capitalism and guns for self defense. They abhor competition because they lack the skills and the drive to compete. Additionally, because they exist in a world free of competition, they display no loyalty to other members of their species; which makes something like abortion acceptable to them. Collectivists also promote low-investment, single parenting and efforts to get younger children into sexual education. The ever-growing trend toward things like trigger warnings, political correctness and participation trophies all stem from this r-selective pacifism.

          Collectivists consider themselves “citizens of the world,” as opposed to the patriotic Liberty-lovers who display fierce loyalty to America; because r-types have no loyalty. The very notion of the in-group is entirely foreign and appalling to them. It seems cruel and exclusionary. They simply cannot comprehend why we wouldn’t want our borders overrun by millions of illegal immigrants. Also, Leftists like to cozy-up to foreign enemies because they feel far more threatened by domestic strength and competition.

          What’s most interesting to me is one by-product, in particular, of the competitive K-type environment. Because K-types invest effort into producing and rearing better offspring to compete for resources, over time this produces evolutionary advantages over their r-type counterparts from increased intelligence and sentience, to loyalty and social skills. All of which is due to group competition and adversity.

          The common thread in this evolutionary political theory is resource availability. Those K-types on the Right understand that there is no such thing as a free lunch, and resources, while not scarce, are not unlimited and must be created. The r-types on the Left, however, believe that if they can just redistribute the resources from those who create wealth then everyone can live equally well forever. Their philosophy is essentially one of killing the golden goose. With that in mind, it’s also interesting to note that the most charitable people in the world are K-types; not these overly-compassionate Collectivists. That’s because what the Left really strives for is not compassion but control, without fighting for it.

          Think about it…

            Eric contributes at WordPress, Blogger and Rebooting Liberty; and you can find The Carr Show on YouTube and Twitter!

Kansas City Shuffle

            “The Affordable Care Act’s requirement that certain individuals pay a financial penalty for not obtaining health insurance may reasonably be characterized as a tax. Because the Constitution permits such a tax, it is not our role to forbid it, or to pass upon its wisdom or fairness.”  –  Chief Justice John Roberts

            “That which is common to the greatest number has the least care bestowed upon it.”  –  Aristotle


            Greetings, lovers of Liberty!

            Upon the suggestion from one of my most supportive readers, a lovely and dedicated educator named Ally; I’m going to write about Obamacare this week. It’s a topic I’ve previously mentioned in a couple of articles as an example of both misguided compassion and government control; but it’s really a lot worse than that. Obamacare, my friends, is tyranny pure and simple. Now, to the citizens and subjects of other countries around the world, ‘tyranny’ may simply be a word in the Dictionary sandwiched between ‘tyramine’ and ‘tythe’. To Americans, however, tyranny is a red flag, something against which we must remain ever vigilant, and it’s something we take very seriously. So, I do not use the word lightly or as hyperbole.

            Interestingly, Obamacare is a disaster of such monumental proportions that it’s actually difficult to choose a single flaw to begin with; so let’s just begin at the beginning: The promises…   The reason I refer to this catastrophe as “Obamacare” instead of the “Affordable Care Act” is because, for one thing, it is anything but affordable, and also because Obama descended from his throne and walked among the wretched masses to personally promote and defend this garbage. He wanted it to be his legacy so I think he should wear this failure like a scarlet letter, in the same way that Nixon is remembered for his disgrace and little else. Obama made many promises regarding his pet project, the most prevalent of which was that Americans could keep their current health insurance and doctors if they so desired. Later, he tried to un-say what he had promised over a hundred times, to many different people, at multiple venues. Despite what he later implied; we did not misinterpret his false promise: He lied to us.

            Another false promise Obama made was that the cost of health insurance would go down by $2,500 per person, and it did exactly the opposite. Costs rose by roughly $3,000. With the exception of a few states, the price of premiums increased dramatically for all demographics. Now, anyone who understands the most basic economic principles, and who doesn’t believe in Santa Claus, understood that this promise was not even possible. So, it was another blatant lie.

            I cannot list and evaluate every promise Obama made to the American people which turned out to be a lie; there are just too many. The worst of these, in my opinion, was the promise that Obamacare was not a tax levied against American citizens. That promise in and of itself is not so bad, but it became the most egregious when our Supreme Court ruled that the Obamacare mandate was only Constitutional as a tax. Now, if you recall Nancy Pelosi’s infamous statement that “we have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it…,” combined with the fact that none of the idiots who voted for it actually read it, means that this Obamacare tax was forced on the American people without due representation. Or to put it more plainly: it is taxation without representation. That phrase sounds familiar, doesn’t it…?

            Numerous lawsuits have been brought against Obamacare, and the Supreme Court has upheld this unconstitutional law every time, with occasional alterations. Regardless of what Chief Justice Roberts would like to believe; the U.S. Constitution does not allow for a forced tax on Americans, and the fact that a Supreme Court justice doesn’t realize that is shameful and embarrassing. The Supreme Court has only one job, which is to interpret the constitutionality of cases brought before them, and they are the final authority. For a nation founded on the rule of law, for the Supreme Court to uphold tyranny is a death sentence. Obamacare is in direct opposition to the simplest notion of liberty. It is an affront to everything Americans have fought and died for in our almost 330 year history.

            Aside from the inherent unconstitutionality of Obamacare, there is also the fact that King Obama added 11 million lines of text to the bill after he signed it into law. That’s more than the entire bill contained when he signed it in the first place! Furthermore, this was done without approval from Congress, which makes it illegal. Now, after Obamacare was approved in Congress (only by Democrats, by the way) and signed into law, Congress asked to be exempted and they were. Oh, yeah; you know it’s gotta’ be good when the same people who voted for it don’t want it for themselves! Speaking of which, the labor unions who fervently supported Obamacare also asked to be exempted, and His Majesty allowed His light to shine upon over 1,300 organizations, also without Congressional approval. Oh, and by the way; this is America! There are no exemptions from the law in America! The law applies to everyone equally, without regard for race, color, creed, or religion. If I was in a coma the day we decided to cast aside the rule of law then please excuse my ignorance, but isn’t that how the law is supposed to work? Now, if it is possible in America to give someone an exemption from the law, then the very last people who should get an exemption are those who pass laws. Don’t you see the danger in that?

            Some might say that this is no different than forcing drivers, by law, to buy auto insurance from private insurers. While I agree that the government has no authority to make such a law; it isn’t quite the same thing. It is at least possible to avoid the auto insurance racket by choosing not to own or drive a car. It’s impractical in today’s world, yes; but possible. What option does one have to avoid Obamacare, however? You can’t just not pay your taxes; unless you’re Al Sharpton, of course, or anyone working for MSNBC.

            Look, this whole notion of universal healthcare is completely antithetical to the American ideal of individual freedom. By forcing me to contribute to your healthcare, and vice versa, the government has ensured that I now have to take an interest in your health; so now your business is my business. Considering that the majority of health problems are self inflicted; this is a major issue. If you choose to smoke two packs a day and chug a bottle of Jack Daniels before bed every night, that’s a problem I now have to deal with. If you decide to start a family, that’s going to cost me money. When I see a guy riding his motorcycle without a helmet, or pulling some crazy base-jumping stunt, I’m no longer justified in saying, “Cool, man. It’s a free country, do whatever makes you happy!” Now I have to be the jerk who asks, “What’s it going to cost me when you wreck or break your leg?”

            Not only has Obama forced the American people (except those he likes) to buy health insurance whether they want it or not, he’s also made it drastically more expensive, more intrusive, and ruinous. Obamacare is a system destined for failure with catastrophic results. He has also forced private companies to accept pre-existing conditions, which is nothing short of extraordinarily stupid. Why? Because now people will simply pay the penalty on their taxes instead of paying expensive insurance premiums, and only get health insurance after they get sick. Which means the penalty will eventually have to be raised astronomically high in order to cover the costs incurred by those who should have been paying premiums.

            The big picture is this: Everything we were promised about Obamacare turned out to be a lie. Even the most basic purpose, which was to make health insurance affordable for everyone, has not only failed but achieved the opposite effect. So, if Obamacare isn’t about affordable healthcare, then what is it about? A politician’s goal is to create a voter bloc, and the way Collectivists go about this is to create an entitlement class. If politicians can get people to rely on government for their wellbeing, then they have a guaranteed voter bloc for generations to come. But here’s the kicker, guys: Unlike a business, government produces nothing; so a politician can only give what he has first taken away. Therefore, he is literally buying your vote with your own money, or the money that I work for. So, if you’re out there supporting and defending Obamacare, then you are that dependency class. I’ll leave you with a quote from economist Howard E. Kershner: “When a self-governing people confer upon their government the power to take money from some and give it to others, the process will not stop until the last bone of the last taxpayer is picked bare.”

            Think about it…

            Eric contributes at WordPress, Blogger and Rebooting Liberty, and you can find The Carr Show on YouTube and Twitter!

Jade Helm 15: Military Exercise or Martial Law?

            “Friends, when it comes to freedom, we must question, verify and vet everyone and everything.”  – Chuck Norris



            Greeting, Liberty lovers!


            I was planning to write about Common Core today, in response to an article on Breitbart.com. This morning however, one of my ardent readers, an extremely talented singer and musician by the name of Rockin’ Joe, suggested a different topic. I’ve been hearing about it here and there for a couple weeks, but I’m afraid I was very dismissive initially, for a couple of reasons. First and foremost, this topic verges on that murky line between reality and conspiracy theory, and as I’ve mentioned in previous articles I intensely despise conspiracy theories and, to a lesser extent, those who advocate them. Secondly, the topic centers on a military training op, and having participated in many training exercises, Jade Helm 15 didn’t seem terribly unusual to me. Doesn’t that name just scream cloak and dagger? Jade Helm 15…


            In the Army, I was assigned to the 10th Mountain Division in upstate New York, at the Fort Drum military reservation. For those who don’t know; Ft. Drum is situated roughly 30 minutes south of the Canadian border. It’s pretty cold there, needless to say, so if you want to train for other climates you have to mobilize. Before and after Operation Enduring Freedom my unit participated in training exercises in Ft. Polk, Louisiana on two occasions; Camp Blanding, Florida; Ft. Campbell, Kentucky; and elsewhere. However, we always flew in and out of military installations and conducted our training operations on those same bases. As an aside, I highly recommend Kentucky, although it did snow for three days while we were there and they accused us of bringing our weather from New York. It was March, after all, so they were understandable aggrieved. On the other hand, I’d only brought summer boots with me so I submit that we were equally betrayed.


            Now, far be it from me to approach the area well-trodden by the likes of Alex Jones and the loathsome Jesse Ventura; but Jade Helm 15 is unique in several ways and it’s certainly worth looking into. Although the military has been specializing in MOUT (Military Operations in Urban Terrain) training for some time, it is typically conducted on military installations, in specially designed ghost towns constructed for that purpose. Jade Helm 15 is a much broader operation taking place on both public and private land, and over several states including Texas and California.


            Additionally, this exercise does not involve regular combat soldiers, but rather Special Operations forces like Navy SEALs and Army Special Forces. This sort of thing is well outside of my experience. Seriously; Spec Ops guys are like the superheroes of the military world. They get to grow beards and customize their gear, they rarely wear or recognize rank unless in dress uniform, and they are afforded other allowances which we “Joes” can only dream about. They also, occasionally, conduct training exercises on city streets. These highly specialized units are designed and trained for small unit tactics like reconnaissance, area destabilization, and subtle infiltration into enemy territory: like the mission that SEAL Team Six conducted to kill Osama Bin Laden. They are also commonly used for training freedom fighters abroad. My point is that they are not a force of occupation. It is completely illogical to suspect Special Operations groups of establishing and enforcing martial law or dragging people off to FEMA “concentration camps.”


            When I first heard about Jade Helm 15 it was through an opinion piece written by Chuck Norris, who lives in Texas where a portion of the training operation is scheduled to take place. As far as I’m aware, Chuck is not a conspiracy theorist but rather a freedom-loving Conservative, which made me think that his concern about this military operation had some validity. Other than being appropriately cautious, however, I’m not entirely sure how concerned we ought to be.


            Let’s imagine for a moment that the government isn’t being entirely forthcoming about Jade Helm 15. We’re stretching the boundaries of imagination, I know; but bear with me…   What other, more clandestine purpose might they be concealing? Well, I cannot bring myself to entertain the slightest possibility that these patriotic heroes of Special Operations would be dispatched to enact unlawful actions against American citizens. Even if some power in DC were so inclined; the SEALs and Special Forces would not knowingly spit on their oaths and their honor in such a way. I tell you it would not happen. Having said that, I do not think it’s beyond the realm of possibility to wonder if this training exercise has another, or an additional, purpose.


            I’m reminded of the recent attack in Garland, Texas, and the statement made afterward by ISIS regarding a certain number of trained terrorists in 17 states across the country. I’m also reminded of the ISIS training camp only a few miles from our Southern border. If I were to speculate as to the undisclosed purpose of Jade Helm 15, I would guess that Special Ops command is in possession of some sensitive intel about ISIS operating within the U.S. That would explain the vast breadth of the operation, as well as the secrecy and the use of specially-trained warriors. I mean, if that is indeed their clandestine purpose, then it’s exactly the sort of job Spec Ops is trained for. However, this is only speculation.


            Think about it…


            Check out The Carr Show!

Eric also contributes at CastOffChains.blogspot.com

and you can catch him Tweeting @Eric_Carr80

America, My Love…

            “Only in America can someone start with nothing and achieve the American Dream. That’s the greatness of this country.”  – Rafael Cruz



            Greetings, my fellow lovers of Liberty!


            I watched a YouTube video a couple of months ago entitled, Why People Hate America, or something like that. Honestly, I don’t remember. In this video, a woman interviews people she presumably meets randomly on the street and asks them, “Why do you think people hate America?” I watched the video because it presented a question I had sometimes wondered about, having so often heard how the United States is reviled by all other peoples around the world. I can’t recall how many different people, foreign and domestic, were questioned but they all had separate theories regarding America’s foreign policy or obesity or other, even less relevant, issues. I realized when the video was over that only one person, in all of the interviews, had actually used the words “hate America” and that person was the interviewer; the woman who made the video.


            Despite the narrative being aggressively promoted by the Collectivist Left, people don’t hate America, not really. In fact, people love the United States of America, and rightly so! The sad truth is that the loudest anti-American screeching comes from right here in the good old U-S of A, from the privileged cowards on either coast, predominantly. Well, and from Iran…but nobody really likes them much, except for Obama…and nobody really likes him, either.


            Interestingly, it’s pretty easy to find a wealth of positive reviews of this country by foreigners who have come from Italy, Russia, France, Ireland, and so on, and have absolutely fallen in love with the U.S.A. Go see for yourselves; these people are truly enamored of our country, our culture, our patriotism, and our freedom. What’s more fascinating is that even those who whine and complain about America, accusing her of being an imperialistic bully or a materialistic whore, don’t actually hate America. They don’t even know what they’re griping about. If you really listen to the complaints and accusations from Americans and foreigners alike, what you hear are criticisms of our government. For instance, when people complain about greedy capitalists, what they’re really unhappy with is the government intervention in business. Yet, these same people praise the auto industry bailouts. These people haven’t the slightest idea what America is, or more importantly what America is not.


            I often write and speak about America, and when I do I obviously don’t refer to the physical land, the dirt, upon which she resides. Nor do I make reference to our government and the leviathan it has now become. When I use the term “America” it is to describe freedom, optimism, opportunity, risk and reward, and all of the countless other virtues inherent in the phrase, “…life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” America is not an oppressor but a faithful companion. No, she will not take you by the hand and lead you blindly to the American Dream, but she has paved the way. She has extended to all of us a promise, not a guarantee of ease and comfort; but an assurance of freedom and opportunity. Many would have us believe that America has broken her promise, that the American Dream is actually a mirage. Observe, however, that most of the people advancing that lie are themselves living the American Dream.


            My friends, I love America. I mean, I really cherish this country! I don’t think one can honestly love a person, even oneself, without first understanding that person and the same can be said of a country, or entity, like America. If you say that you love someone and do not see their flaws; you do not love, because no one is without defect. Passion without understanding is no more than infatuation; it is fanaticism rather than admiration, and that can be dangerous. Just ask the Jews, or any Christian living in a Muslim country. So, when I say that I love America, I speak as one who sees her faults and her shortcomings; but loves her in spite of them, because deep down she is inherently good, kind, and generous. If your beloved wife lay dying of cancer would you abandon her, or speak ill of her? Even though she is riddled with a disease which eats her away from within, will you not still love her for who she was, and is, and could yet be again?


            Think about it…


            Eric also contributes at CastOffChains.blogspot.com

and you can catch him tweeting @Eric_Carr80

Victim Acquitting

            “If you think someone or something other than yourself is responsible for your happiness or success, I’d guess you’re not that happy or successful.”  – Rob Liano



            Greetings, Liberty lovers!


            I’m often accused of what some call “victim blaming” when I talk about personal choice, accountability and consequences. I suppose I am a little hard on people in general, if I’m being perfectly honest. I have long believed, and observed, that certain segments of our population indulge in self-victimization as a means of excusing a common lack of ambition. After all, it is much easier to lie about and blame the most readily available excuse for one’s station in life, rather than getting out there and making good things happen.


            Now, there have always been ne’er-do-wells and goldbrickers in any society, but this behavior was once frowned upon, whereas ambition and success were hailed as virtues. In this new millennium, it seems like everyone wants to be a victim; it’s excused, celebrated and subsidized. Conversely, success has become a byword: The “evil capitalist” and the “greedy 1%er” are demonized. They are portrayed as thieves by the very same parasites who feed on the wealth which these earners create, draining the lifeblood of our economy with their insatiable lust for handouts. What has happened to our society?


            If you understand human nature, you realize that a person is hardwired to seek out his own self interest, to find the path of least resistance which will lead most quickly to the fulfillment of his desires. We’re very like animals in that way. Of course, it is also within our nature to act altruistically, humbly, even heroically. However, if your desire is to live a life of leisure without ever accomplishing anything on your own merit, then the path of least resistance is not hard to find. Likewise, if you’re a politician seeking a ready-made voter bloc…   Well, it’s like a match made in heaven. It’s all too easy to promise and deliver more and more handouts to people who are convinced of their own entitlement, and when Joe Worker complains about the hand in his pocket, you just admonish him for “victim blaming” and tell him to get back to work.


            According to an article in Forbes, almost half of the U.S. population is now receiving some form of government assistance. Now, one might ask, “Eric, what’s the harm in a few (million) parasites leaching off of society’s working class?” Well…everything is wrong with it. First of all, it’s an unjust burden on the middle class; but that’s all the rage these days, isn’t it? That’s right; I’m lookin’ at you, Obamacare…   When injustice is allowed, or heavily subsidized in this case, then society suffers as a whole. Even worse perhaps is the devastating effect on the individual.


            Another aspect of our inherent nature is the necessity of dignity and self respect. When the majority of any population can reconcile self interest with self respect, then everyone in society benefits. However, when a great number of potential earners are out of work, especially when combined with poor education, we naturally see an increase in crime and civil unrest. When man is idle he loses that vital self respect which allows him to stand up straight and govern himself as a moral individual. When one fails to contribute to the benefit of civilization, he becomes a detriment to society and to himself. So, when you combine that low view of oneself with an exaggerated sense of entitlement, multiplied over generations, you get Occupy Wall Street, Baltimore, Detroit, Chicago, Greece, etc.


            You know, I don’t mind being constantly accused of “victim blaming” by the entitlement generation, the “gimme” generation. I may very well be in error at times, by holding people to such a high standard; but I’m okay with that. I think there’s a worse error than “victim blaming,” and that is “victim acquitting.” I will gladly continue to shame the handout generation, because it is only through shaming that these lethargic masses can find it within themselves to accomplish something. If we continue to coddle these precious snowflakes, they will never have a reason to take pride in themselves and become contributing members of our society. So, let the shame begin.


            Think about it…


            Eric also contributes at CastOffChains.blogspot.com

and you can catch him Tweeting @Eric_Carr80

Stand With Me

            “Your rights end at the beginning of the next person’s nose (or something like that).”  – Ally



            Greetings, my friends!


            Well, those of you who have been reading my blog for awhile have surely realized that I’m not quite…normal. I harbor all of these crazy Libertarian ideas about freedom and justice. I favor cold logic over warm compassion. I don’t shower after every meal…   Wait- Is that a thing? Anyway, so we’re all different in our own way, and one of the ways in which I differ is in my disregard for the sanctity of human life. This is probably due primarily to my life experiences rather than a logical conclusion; but it is logical nonetheless. Don’t get me wrong: I’m not a sociopath; quite the opposite, in fact. But I don’t consider every human life to be sacred merely by virtue of being human and alive. I think most people deserve to live but some deserve to die, and others are somewhere in between. I don’t think this makes me a bad person, just different.


            There was another story on Breitbart.com today about Pamela Geller. Apparently the Associated Press disapproved of Pam’s lack of regret over the two dead terrorists in Garland, Texas. This is no surprise, of course. Those on the left are not shy about embracing the sanctity of human life whenever it’s convenient, while also advocating governmental systems which, historically, have produced a higher body count than the Black Plague. I know, I know; the Black Plague just wasn’t properly implemented…


            Let’s be honest: What happened in Texas is no tragic loss to humanity. Two would-be murderers got what was coming to them, and I call that justice. I don’t necessarily think it should be celebrated with memes about chalk outlines being the best drawings at the exhibit, (personally, I think those jokes are in poor taste) but neither do I think mourning is an appropriate reaction. Should we regard these two dead men with sympathy and regret? They are not victims, and the media does a disservice by attempting to portray them as such. Those two Muslim fanatics arrived at the cartoon contest intent on killing defenseless people, so their deaths are actually a positive thing.


            Frankly, I consider this notion of the sanctity of human life to be something of a myth. It is literally unrealistic. People embrace it to appear morally superior, or because they are taught through religion that all life is sacred. However, that’s a slippery slope. When we overvalue human life, we also tend to undervalue justice; because the former is entirely emotional and the latter completely objective…in theory, at least. Regarding all human life as precious and revered is fine in theory, as long as the theory is never tested. Look, when Joe Criminal breaks into your house in the wee hours, intent on savagery, you’ll find that moral superiority of little use. What would be really useful at that point are a loaded gun and a realistic view of humanity.


            This topic, like everything else I write about, has a lot to do with the idea of liberty. The other danger inherent in this myth, that all human life is sacred, is the tendency to regard that which should be revered, as less important. For example, when arguing the merits of our Second Amendment I have often been confronted with the harsh reality of school shootings. Unfortunately, some people think that standing on the graves of dead children is equivalent to moral high ground. So, in these arguments I always propose the extremely unpopular idea that liberty is priceless, more valuable even than the lives of the kids in Newtown. I don’t make the statement lightly, and I don’t say it for the shock value. I make that statement, as unpleasant as it is, because that’s reality.


            As I wrote in yesterday’s article: One must understand the importance of liberty before one can advocate for it with any veracity. It’s all well and good to wave a flag and call ourselves patriots, but when confronted with the reality of the true cost of freedom, will we buckle or will we stand? To say that the tragedy at Newtown justifies forfeiting our rights is also to say that the countless Americans who have died to protect those rights did so in vain. If the price I pay for the cause of freedom is only my popularity then I will gladly pay it. If I am a social pariah, so be it. I will stand.


            Think about it…


            Eric also contributes at CastOffChains.blogspot.com

and you can catch him Tweeting @Eric_Carr80

Free to Choose

            “I’m in favor of legalizing drugs. According to my values system, if people want to kill themselves, they have every right to do so. Most of the harm that comes from drugs is because they’re illegal.”  – Milton Friedman


            Greetings, Liberty lovers!


            Why are we afraid to be free? Liberty is the highest ideal to which humanity can aspire, yet the more I talk to people, the oftener I hear something akin to, “Freedom is nice, but not too much all at once.” Liberty with limits…   Liberty doesn’t need limits, people do; but all of the limitations we require can be summed up in one phrase: Don’t be a jerk, and mind your own business That’s pretty simple, right? Just don’t be a jerk…and mind your own business   I can already hear the ‘you can’t do that’ crowd saying, “Eric, you simpleton. Liberty is much too complicated!” To which I reply that, indeed, living in slavery would be a lot simpler. In fact, freedom isn’t too complex; it only seems complicated because we choose to complicate it. There are important details, yes; but none which cannot be sorted out by the Golden Rule: Don’t be a jerk, and mind your own business.


            One cannot advocate for Liberty with any veracity unless he first understands what it is, and what it entails. Thomas Jefferson was aware of these “complications” when he wrote, “I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it.” Essentially, he’s admitting that neither condition is perfect, but too much of a good thing is better than too little. Obviously, he’s quite right about that. Now, you may object to the simplicity of the Golden Rule by observing that some people are jerks, and will always be jerks. This is true, and that’s why we have common sense laws, which can be summed up by the phrase: Don’t be a jerk…or else. Simple, right? Just don’t be a jerk, or else you’ll wind up in the slammer.


            Like Mr. Jefferson, I would also prefer the problems inherent in liberty to those inherent in a controlled collective, because there are fewer problems to deal with when you have freedom, and you’re actually free to deal with them. If we are willing to open our eyes and take an honest look at our society, we will clearly recognize one plain fact: Trying to solve all the problems only creates more problems. Let’s look at a practical example, shall we?


            As a general guideline, I’m in support of legalizing anything that involves a free choice or a mutually beneficial exchange, so I’m in favor of legalizing prostitution. If a woman, or a man, freely chooses to trade sex for money then who has the legitimate authority to forbid that mutual exchange between consenting adults? Now, let’s not complicate it by asking why someone would choose to sell sex. The rationale or motivation is irrelevant as long as it really is a free choice. We may as well ask why someone would pay for sex. I would never choose to do either, but it’s none of my business, or yours.


            Ask yourself: What do we gain by criminalizing prostitution? Are we protecting these prostitutes by making the occasional arrest, or sting operation, and holding them in jail overnight? Are we making their working conditions safer by driving them into the shadows and creating a black market? One of the worst aspects involved in prostitution is the relationship between the pimp and the prostitute, which is often fraught with physical abuse, extortion, encouraged drug addiction…   It’s more slavery than employment. This could be alleviated, if not eliminated, by doing away with the criminality and the taboo. The only thing we as a society gain from keeping it illegal is a self righteous feeling that we’re morally superior, but we’re not.


            We already have legalized prostitution and I’m not talking about The Bunny Ranch in Nevada, I’m talking about the porn industry in California. I fail to see a significant difference between a prostitute and a porn star. Look, if I patronized a prostitute, but brought a cameraman and an accountant with me, would the transaction magically transform into legal porn shoot? I challenge anyone to point out a legitimate reason why the porn industry is legal and prostitution is not. The plain fact is that prostitution is a part of our society, but we are doing allowing harm to these women by pretending not to see it.


            The “drug war” is an even better example. Like prostitution, there is nothing intrinsically good about ingesting dangerous chemical combinations, and I’ve never personally injected, ingested, dropped, or smoked anything worse than a cigarette (which I quit in favor of vaping, by the way). However, it should be my choice to put whatever I want in my own body. Of course, I realize that there are public safety issues involved with legalizing drug use; primarily that of driving while under the influence. But that is an “inconvenience attending too small a degree of liberty,” to paraphrase Jefferson. But what of the problems involved with fighting the “drug war?” The cost of “keeping drugs off the streets” is unimaginably high in terms of freedom, money and lives. What’s even worse is the undeniable fact that we’re NOT keeping drugs off the streets! Why not legalize drugs? All of them. Do you honestly imagine that people who have never used illegal drugs would suddenly rush out and pick up a heroin habit because it’s legal to do so? Prohibition didn’t work with alcohol, and it’s not working with drugs.


            Label me a Libertarian if you like. I often refer to myself as one, but only because it’s typically expedient to do so. It is more accurate, however, to say that I’m just a guy who thinks about things and who loves liberty enough to accept the risk and responsibility involved. Sadly, those who know less or regard freedom less highly often call me naïve, or imply it because they haven’t the guts to come out and say it. When I talk about abolishing the IRS and the ATF and labor unions (all of which are Progressive creations, by the way, as was prohibition) I’m accused of wishful thinking, or magical thinking; as if I’m advocating houses built on clouds or marshmallow unicorn ranches. Do you want to know what “magical thinking” really is? It’s pretending that laws against prostitution and drugs are actually making a positive difference. It’s turning a blind eye to the abuses and governmental control which we allow in the form of the IRS, ATF, EPA, welfare, etc.


            Now, I’m not talking about simply abolishing all of these organizations overnight, or altogether, because that would indeed be naïve. Some of these programs can be salvaged but others could, in fact, be safely and beneficially eliminated. The IRS, for instance, only exists to enforce a ridiculously complex tax code, and to punish the occasional Tea Party organization that gets “a little too uppity.” Is the Fair Tax proposal a naïve idea? If we all paid an equal percentage, instead of a progressive tax, we could eliminate the mind-boggling tax code along with the IRS, and everyone would, in fact, pay his or her fair share. We could also eliminate tax breaks for the wealthy which would encourage employers to keep jobs and funds in America, and there wouldn’t be a tax burden because we’re only talking about 10% of one’s income.


            I could quite literally go on and on and on about this, but smarter people than me have done that and done it better. So, let me end with this: Liberty is not the foolish and unattainable fantasy that Collectivists would have us believe. My friends, liberty is a choice, and it’s the right choice. Let us decide now, the sooner the better, that we will choose freedom over this petty tyranny, and begin moving in that direction. Let’s work together to become daily more free and throw off the constraints of imagined moral superiority and government control. It can be done…we simply have to make the choice.


            Think about it…


            Eric also contributes at CastOffChains.blogspot.com

and you can catch him Tweeting @Eric_Carr80


Know Thy Self

            “Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else’s opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation.”  – Oscar Wilde



            Greetings, Liberty lovers!


            Well, I don’t know about you guys, but I’m psyched to celebrate White Appreciation Day on June 11th! Finally, I get to enjoy my well-earned white privilege without feeling guilty for all those people I enslaved! Ahem…   Well, to tell the truth, I really couldn’t care less about getting a 10% discount on some ribs because I’m white. Don’t mistake me: I love BBQ, and I would fly out to Colorado on June 11th just to support the restaurant owner if I had the means, because I admire those who take risks and criticism for what they believe in. However, I would sooner not be rewarded (or condemned) for something I have no control over. If a restaurateur wants to give me a discount because I’m a combat veteran then I will gratefully accept. Hey, I earned that status! I don’t ask for special treatment because of my prior service, of course; but I also don’t quickly dismiss those grateful people who occasionally thank me for serving this awesome country. Likewise, I don’t want any special treatment because I’m male; but if someone thanks me for standing up and acting like a man, then I feel like I’ve earned that gratitude. After all, only one of those is a choice.


            I was talking to a friend of mine the other day – let’s call him…Clint, because that’s his name. Now, anybody who knows Clint for more than a day will realize the man is a history buff, and he’s very interested in his Germanic ancestry. I mean, this guy really knows his history! We were discussing individual identity and he was explaining why he identifies with the history of his early genetic heritage more than the modern world, in which he’s always felt out-of-place. I can understand that. We all know what it’s like, especially when we’re young, to feel detached or set adrift. We all have that period when we’re searching for that sense of self, and some people find it in sports, or in a hobby, or in their skin color. I didn’t really find mine until I joined the Army and my identity evolved around being a soldier, a patriot, and an American.


            I’ve theorized that an individual will latch on, and cling, to whatever qualities are inherent in him, until he finds something better. What I mean is that while searching for a sense of self we all first look to what’s right in front of us, like natural talents or interests; whatever makes us special. My uncle, for instance, grew up with a guitar glued to his hands, he even took it to school, and he was known as “the guitar guy.” However, when you grow up in a community where you’re taught that the only thing that makes you special is the color of your skin, then that will become your defining characteristic. And it doesn’t matter if that occurs in the Deep South or the inner city.


            Once an identity has developed around inherited qualities like race or gender or familial wealth, it will remain the dominant character until one actually achieves something he can take pride in, or achievements reinforce the established sense of self. Using my uncle as an example again; his identity evolved from a natural interest and talent in playing a guitar, and he’s now a professional musician living in Nashville. His initial identity was rewarded by achievement and notoriety, and was therefore reinforced. If my uncle had discovered at some point that another interest, academia for instance, was more rewarding, then his identity might have transitioned and he might now be a professor somewhere. So, if one’s identity is primarily that of “black male” then his ideas and environment will revolve around that, whatever that may mean to him or to whomever helped in shaping that self. However, if he then goes on to become a skilled artist, his ideas and environment will quite naturally evolve to that higher identity based on achievement rather than inborn characteristics like “black” and “male.”


            Another interesting and reinforcing quality of self is the camaraderie which often accompanies whatever one identifies as, which helps to establish and strengthen one’s opinions and view of the world. When I was in the Army I associated almost exclusively with other soldiers, and we were all very likeminded. We were rough and ready young men, full of enthusiasm for the heavy burden we willingly carried. But even within the category of “soldier” we existed within a subcategory: “combat soldier.” I have since become wiser; but at the time we all felt ourselves above the poor wretches who chose a non-combat job. My point is that within an identity like “soldier” there is a camaraderie which shapes one’s views, and then again within “combat soldier” those views are further defined or altered by the experiences unique to that particular environment. Furthermore, with regard to primary and secondary identities, I spent time with Army brothers of all colors, classes and creeds. We would razz each other about racial stereotypes and nobody got offended, because although a soldier may be a “black male,” he has become a “soldier” primarily, and a brother through shared hardship, and a guardian. That identical uniform we all wore represented an ideal, an accomplishment, greater than simply what we were born with.


            So, no; I’m not really psyched to celebrate White Appreciation Day, because I don’t identify as a “white male.” Yeah, I’m aware of my ethnicity and gender, but I’m also a lot more than that. Not better or worse, necessarily; just more.


            Let’s wrap this up. What I’m saying, if I’m saying anything at all, is that an identity is who we are. It is such a powerful defining force that it is practically unbreakable. It can only be transcended. Whenever our passions are enflamed about a particular issue we can be sure it’s because that issue is intrinsic to our individual identity. When I see some joker walking on the American flag, for example, I get mad. I get really mad. Even while arguing in favor of that moron’s right to stomp on the flag, it makes me really angry to see it. Why? Well, because that behavior offends the “American” and the “combat soldier” and the “patriot.” When a woman argues so passionately against abortion, she does so because the issue offends the “mother” and the “life giver” in her identity. It is equally true that when you see a young man shouting “F- the police!” and looting and rioting, you can be sure that that young man has never accomplished a single worthwhile thing in his entire life.


            Think about it…


           Eric also contributes at CastOffChains.blogspot.com

and you can catch him Tweeting @Eric_Carr80

Best of Intentions

            “A bureaucrat is the most despicable of men, though he is needed as vultures are needed, but one hardly admires vultures whom bureaucrats so strangely resemble. I have yet to meet a bureaucrat who was not petty, dull, almost witless, crafty or stupid, an oppressor or a thief, a holder of little authority in which he delights, as a boy delights in possessing a vicious dog. Who can trust such creatures?”  – Marcus Tullius Cicero



            Greetings, you magnificent lovers of Liberty!


            I was talking to Angela (a friend and fellow veteran) yesterday when, during the course of our conversation, she expressed genuine bafflement at the mentality of Progressives and their collectivist ilk. She and I, along with many others, find it nearly incomprehensible that a human being can be so utterly devoid of humanity, and so willfully ignorant while simultaneously being completely oblivious to it. But her comment caused me to consider that Leftist way of thinking which has caused, and is now causing, so much damage to the foundation of our great country. So utterly alien to me is this notion that one must rely upon a bloated and hopelessly ineffective government in order to function in everyday life. The whole of that philosophy is antithetical to the Liberty-loving mind, and reeks of a desperate inadequacy inherent in a startling lack of self confidence. Not only is this way of thinking quite frankly pathetic; but it is aggressively detrimental to the American spirit.


            Our Founding Fathers envisioned a limited government, small in size and scope, able and conservative. Men like Thomas Jefferson and James Madison understood that the nature of government is toward growth, which is why our Constitution was written specifically to place limitations not upon the people, but upon federal authority. Jefferson described a “wise and frugal government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned.” Unfortunately, the 16th Amendment virtually ensured unrestrained governmental growth by allowing federal powers to take, by force, from the mouth of labor.


            In 1936, the government established the Federal Register to keep track of the regulations, hearings and general busy-ness of an increasingly meddlesome governing body. At that time, one volume was sufficient to record all government business for an entire year, and that book was roughly the size of a family Bible. The number of these volumes has steadily increased over the years, of course, but not by only one or two per year. They have increased exponentially in concert with the growth of government.


            What I find most perplexing when arguing in support of Liberty and against the authority of government, is that these ideas are not recent developments. 60 years before the birth of Christ, a man named Marcus Tullius Cicero was speaking the language of freedom. “Do not blame Caesar,” he wrote, “blame the people of Rome who have so enthusiastically acclaimed and adored him and rejoiced in their loss of freedom and danced in his path and given him triumphal processions.” I can’t be sure, but it’s possible the word “Caesar” was Latin for “Obama.” Cicero goes on to speak of the desires of these Romans for “more money, more ease, more security, and more living fatly at the expense of the industrious.” I’m not making this stuff up, people! The fall of Rome was no accident of history; it was directly due to those who voted away their own Liberty.


            I sincerely believe, after speaking to a number of Progressives, that they regard themselves the earnest harbingers of all good will. They really do have the very best of intentions, though no foresight for what those intentions will inevitably create. A person who employs only his compassionate nature does so because he is unable to use reason. Of the countless volumes in the Federal Register, the majority are laws which intend to protect the individual from himself, and while that may be a high and noble purpose it is hardly the basis upon which a society of responsible citizens prospers. So, if our true intention is to legislate ourselves into slavery, then by all means we must continue headlong down this path. Let’s continue to forfeit our own good judgment in favor of those we pay to think for us. Let’s criminalize everything that has any potential for danger, because who needs a 60 oz. soda, or an AR-15, or free will? This is a well-trod road paved with good intentions, leading directly toward the ash heap of history, so why are we traveling it so slowly?


            Well, our “progress” is hampered by those, like you fine patriots, who see far enough ahead to prefer the road less traveled by…and that will make all the difference.


            Think about it…


            Eric also contributes at CastOffChains.blogspot.com

and you can catch him Tweeting @Eric_Carr80

Six Gun Security

            “Where you have the most armed citizens in America, you have the lowest violent crime rate. Where you have the worst gun control, you have the highest crime rate.”  – Ted Nugent



            Greetings, Liberty lovers!


            So, I watched the most recent Trifecta video on YouTube yesterday. If you’ve never seen Trifecta, it’s a video series featuring three brilliant and entertaining political commentators: Bill Whittle, Scott Ott, and Steve Green (with occasional sit-ins). In this most recent installment the trio were discussing the recent ISIS attack in Garland, Texas, and more specifically the media attention on Pamela Geller. During this discussion, Steve Green made an observation which, though terribly obvious, had completely escaped my attention.


            In the article I posted yesterday, titled Only in Texas, I wrote about other attacks very similar to the one in Texas. One such event in particular was strikingly similar in all ways save one. The terrorist attack on Charlie Hebdo, the French satirical newspaper, was in retaliation for cartoons published in the paper featuring an unflattering depiction of Muhammad, as it was in Texas. The perpetrators were two fanatical Muslim men armed with AK-47s, as was the case in Texas. The terrorists were shot dead after killing a dozen innocent people and wounding almost as many, as it was in Texas. Well, actually no innocent people were killed in Garland, Texas, and only one man was wounded. Obviously, that’s an important distinction and the reason for it, as Steve Green pointed out, is the critical difference between France and America. Americans are not disarmed.


            France has strict gun laws dating back to about 1940, forbidding citizens to keep and bear arms except for those with a hunting license, which must be regularly renewed and requires a psychological evaluation to obtain. It’s safe to assume that no one in the offices of Charlie Hebdo was armed, nor were any of the hostages who were later held by these two representatives of the “religion of peace.” Did I mention that, in France, weapons like the AK-47s the terrorists were carrying are highly restricted? Well, I’m sure they probably picked them up at a local Paris gun show. Now, the Parisian police who first responded to Charlie Hendo armed, but they were outgunned and forced to retreat. One officer was shot dead as he lay begging for his life.


            In Garland, Texas, the fanatics never even made it into the building. After wounding an unarmed guard, both AK-47 wielding would-be murderers, wearing body armor no less, were shot and killed by an off-duty police officer armed with a .45 caliber handgun. Now, one might argue that, because these Islamic zealots were killed by a cop and not an armed civilian, an armed society makes no difference. I disagree, however. Retaining the Second Amendment right in our society has a cultural impact, the effects of which can be seen in Texas and many other parts of the United States. Primarily in fly-over country where we knuckle-dragging Neanderthals still believe in Liberty and the right to self defense. We’re old-fashioned that way…


            The French, who willingly disarm themselves, seem to have an unfortunate shortage of hero cops like the unnamed traffic officer in Garland, whose courage and decisive action undoubtedly saved many lives. The right to carry a weapon, like the right to speak freely and openly, encourages responsible and moral action. More importantly, these rights are a safeguard for the Liberty that, to Americans, is more precious than the air we breathe. After all, the only real difference between a free man and a slave is the ability to maintain that freedom.


            Think about it…



Eric also contributes at CastOffChains.blogspot.com

and you can catch him Tweeting @Eric_Carr80